hanatsukuri on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hanatsukuri/art/Tsumami-Zaiku-An-Artisan-s-Guide-to-Kanzashi-586662754hanatsukuri

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Tsumami Zaiku: An Artisan's Guide to Kanzashi



Hello! I'm one of the contributors for the kickstarter project, "kck.st/1P5sqlu, hosted by Ariel Loh, and I am a contributing author for parts of the lovely book. Ariel is our head editor, main author, and team leader, as well as primary financial backer. My part is to provide some of the rewards, help advertise the project, and of course to contribute some of my knowledge to the book. We have 8 other contributing authors, so we have a wide array of expertise to share in our book! Please read on to hear about the project.

Updated: The link! "kck.st/1P5sqlu All donations will help us publish! Thank you. :heart: We're looking for a lot of varied support, not for huge donations-- so please share the word, we're happy for even a $1 support! :D we want to get the word around~!!!

Learn "Tsumami Zaiku," the technique for making the beautiful "tsumami kanzashi" of Japan!

 Our book will have:
:bulletgreen: 200 pages
:bulletgreen: 8" x 10" Perfect Binding
:bulletgreen: Color Photos and comprehensive Tutorials
:bulletgreen: Written in ENGLISH

Traditional designs, modern adaptions, and inspirational models' gallery, and more!

Visit www.tzartisan.com for more details.

The Kick-Starter is due to start February 3rd, 2016, and we are really excited about it. We wil have a link to the kick-starter here when it's open!

Our book includes tutorials from the following artists (thumbnails below), and we're making a variety of designs for you. Some are traditional, and others are to help you make your own original flowers. We have a  lot planned for this, and are hoping to make the print-release come true! We can't do it without help though, so please do consider becoming a backer in Kick-Starter. There are many rewards! From flower kanzashi bobby-pins (hair grips), postcards, a musical CD, and the possibility of suggesting a tutorial to be added to the book!

For now, have a gander at our deviantART group page: :icontzartisans: ~TZArtisans

Our contributors have made these tsumami kanzashi:
 The arabesque with flowers design kanzashi. by haru-mai Flight Of Dreams Kanzashi by SincerelyLove  Peony Comb by Arleen
Pink Sakura Kanzashi for Hijab by rinei Pale blue clematis kanzashi by EruwaedhielElleth Pink Rose Chirimen Kanzashi  by :iconlilyashes-emporium: 
and by me (:iconhanatsukuri: ) Bride's Maids: Teal Lotuses., and  by ariel, 1 by arielyiningloh :iconarielyiningloh: Recently, :iconjapanesesilkflowers: joined the group.

 Please ask if you have any questions!

Graphics (c)ourtesy to TZ Artisan: www.tzartisan.com/#!home/mainP…
Image size
527x304px 42.38 KB
© 2016 - 2024 hanatsukuri
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shirogiku's avatar
I wish you the best of luck ! :heart: